The exchange rate changes, here’s how much the dollar and euro are being bought and sold today.

The exchange rate changes, here’s how much the dollar and euro are being bought and sold today.

Here are the current exchange rates for today, February 6, 2025: US Dollar Buy: 94.6 ALL Sell: 96 ALL Euro Buy: 98.5 ALL Sell: 99.5 ALL Swiss Franc Buy: 104.3 ALL Sell: 105.5 ALL British Pound Buy: 118 ALL Sell: 119.3 ALL Canadian Dollar Buy: 65.8 ALL Sell: 67 ALL These are the current exchange…

A helicopter crashes in Italy, it is reported that he died. A well-known businessman is also among the guests

A helicopter crashes in Italy, it is reported that he died. A well-known businessman is also among the guests

Helicopter Crash in Parma, Italy: Three Dead, Including Famous Businessman A tragic helicopter crash occurred in Parma, Italy, on Wednesday evening, resulting in the deaths of three people, including a well-known businessman. The crash took place in Castelguelfo di Noceto, near Via Emilia, within the medieval Castelguelfo Castle, which belongs to the Rovagnati family, founders…

“Horror Scenario”: Volcano, Earthquake and Tsunami Simultaneously”! What did the Director of the Institute of Geodynamics say?

“Horror Scenario”: Volcano, Earthquake and Tsunami Simultaneously”! What did the Director of the Institute of Geodynamics say?

New Crack in Anhydros Could Lead to Disaster: “1,200 Earthquakes Between Santorini and Kolombos Since January 26” Athanasios Ganas, Director of Research at the Geodynamic Institute, described the seismic activity in Santorini, Anhydros, and Amorgos, outlining a potential “horror scenario” for the region. He warns of a worst-case scenario involving volcanic and seismic activity in…

Tm*rr in Elbasan/ Residents find a locked ark in the stream, the police are stunned when

Tm*rr in Elbasan/ Residents find a locked ark in the stream, the police are stunned when

Mystery in Elbasan: Coffin Found in Zaranika Stream A mysterious incident occurred today in Elbasan, where several residents discovered a sealed coffin floating in the Zaranika stream on the outskirts of the city. The discovery was made around noon, with locals noticing the coffin in the stream. The circumstances under which the coffin ended up…

Wizz Air, New Customer Care toll free phone number from Albania and Italy

Wizz Air, New Customer Care toll free phone number from Albania and Italy

Izzy Air has shared their updated customer service contact information for Albania and Italy, ensuring support is available in both English and Italian. Customer Service Numbers: From Italy (Italian language support): Phone: +390200689768 Available: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM (local time) Price: Local rates* From Albania (English language support): Phone: +35545300999 Available:…

Albania in economic crisis, here are the concrete measures proposed by DP/”From the vital minimum to growth…

Albania in economic crisis, here are the concrete measures proposed by DP/”From the vital minimum to growth…

Sali Berisha, the leader of the Democratic Party, has outlined several proposals to address Albania’s economic crisis. These include: Setting the Minimum Vital Income at 200 Euros per person. Raising the Minimum Wage to 500 Euros, while aiming to increase the average wage to 1,200 Euros. Doubling Pensions across the country. To finance these measures,…

The 23-year-old woman asks Aldo for a husband on the show, he stuns her with his words after “she’s blown away” by what she asked him. “My shame..”

The 23-year-old woman asks Aldo for a husband on the show, he stuns her with his words after “she’s blown away” by what she asked him. “My shame..”

A 23-year-old girl asked Aldo, on the morning show “Klan”, to help her find someone to meet. Aldo asked her about her age, and when she mentioned that she was only 23, he refused to include her in the matchmaking segment of the show. Aldo said to her, “At your age, and you’re looking for…

He emigrated to earn bread, the Albanian husband worked two jobs/ But one night he finds his wife cheating on him with

He emigrated to earn bread, the Albanian husband worked two jobs/ But one night he finds his wife cheating on him with

“I work two jobs so that my wife doesn’t lack anything here in immigration. She doesn’t know the language and hasn’t started working yet. We don’t have children, and now we are getting divorced. Let me start from the beginning. I am a 35-year-old man from Puka, and I have lived in Italy for a…

Mihali ‘sfidon’ Lushtakun: Dil vet ma mirë sa fshihesh pas fishekzjarrëve, o trim mbi trimat

Mihali ‘sfidon’ Lushtakun: Dil vet ma mirë sa fshihesh pas fishekzjarrëve, o trim mbi trimat

Koordinatorja e VV’së, Dejona Mihali, ka shkruar me pretendime se protesta e qytetarëve të Skënderajt qenka orkestruar nga Sami Lushtaku që po fshehet siç pretendon. Në Skënderaj protestuesit para tubimit të VV’së nuk kishin zorin të fshihen e brohorisnin qartë se mbështetës të kujt janë, ‘Hashim Thaçi’ e ‘Sami Lushtaku’ kur u mblodhën. As nënkryetari…

Kundërshtuan tubimin e VV’së në Skenderaj, shoqërohet në polici, anëtari i familjes Jashari, Lavdim Jashari

Kundërshtuan tubimin e VV’së në Skenderaj, shoqërohet në polici, anëtari i familjes Jashari, Lavdim Jashari

Është shoqëruar nga Policia e Kosovës, Lavdim Jashari, anëtar i familjes Jashari, pasi së bashku me një grup qytetarësh nga Skenderaj kundërshtuan tubimin e Lëvizjes Vetëvendosje atje. Ky kundërshtim vije, pas deklaratave fyese të pushtetit ndaj figurave kryesore të UÇK-së. Kujtojmë se anëtarë të familjes së tij janë vrarë së bashku me komandatin legjendar, Adem…