Girl asks police to run DNA test on Christmas cookie for evidence of Santa Claus

Girl asks police to run DNA test on Christmas cookie for evidence of Santa Claus

A young girl’s note to the police department asked to test for evidence of Santa. Cumberland Police Department/Screenshot by NPR A local police department in Rhode Island has received an unusual query: running a DNA test on evidence to prove the existence of Santa Claus. The authorities in Cumberland, north of Providence, received a handwritten…

People who think they’re attractive are less likely to wear masks, a study shows

People who think they’re attractive are less likely to wear masks, a study shows

Pedestrians cross Houston Street as students wearing masks leave the New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math (NEST+m) school in the Lower East Side neighborhood of Manhattan on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021, in New York. Brittainy Newman/AP People are less likely to wear masks to prevent COVID-19 if they see themselves as good-looking, according to…

Police came to pull a Jeep out of a lake. They found a woman inside, alive

Police came to pull a Jeep out of a lake. They found a woman inside, alive

This black Jeep was almost entirely submerged in Lake o’ the Pines in Marion County, Texas. It wasn’t until a tow truck started to pull it from the water that a woman was spotted inside. Marion County Sheriff Office It started with a call from a fisherman, who said he saw what looked to be…

A wild cat was found in Cincinnati with cocaine in its system. No, it’s not a movie

A wild cat was found in Cincinnati with cocaine in its system. No, it’s not a movie

] Amiry the serval was rescued from a tree in Cincinnati in January. A DNA test confirmed his species, while a narcotics test confirmed his exposure to cocaine. Ray Anderson/Cincinnati Animal Care You’ve probably heard of Cocaine Bear, the box-office hit about a black bear’s drug-fueled feeding frenzy. But have you heard of “cocaine cat?”…

A tomato spill makes a major California highway a marinara mess

A tomato spill makes a major California highway a marinara mess

A truck hauling a load of tomatoes crashed Monday after a collision near Vacaville, Calif., and its load spilled across several lanes of Highway 80 in Northern California. Crews had cleaned the eastbound lanes but one westbound lane remained closed six hours after the crash, the CHP said. California Highway Patrol via AP Some California…

“Dashuria më e madhe e jetës time”, cfarë shkruante vajza për babanë që e qëlloi pa mëshirë atë, nënën dhe vëllezërit e saj

“Dashuria më e madhe e jetës time”, cfarë shkruante vajza për babanë që e qëlloi pa mëshirë atë, nënën dhe vëllezërit e saj

Një ngjarje e trmerrshme ndodhi mëngjesin e sotëm në Itali, ku një burrë kreu masakër mbi familjen e tij dhe më pas vrau veten. Roberto Gleboni qëlloi me armë zjarri bashkëshorten dhe tre fëmijët, një fqinj, mbi nënën e tij dhe më pas vrau veten. Bashkëshortja dhe vajza 26-vjeçare humbën jetën në vend, ndërsa djali…

Crew aboard a U.S.-bound plane discovered a missing window pane at 13,000 feet

Crew aboard a U.S.-bound plane discovered a missing window pane at 13,000 feet

A photo included in the U.K.’s Air Accidents Investigations Branch special bulletin shows the location of one damaged and two missing window panes on an Airbus A321. Air Accidents Investigation Branch A U.S.-bound plane took off from London last month with four damaged window panes, including two that were completely missing, according to U.K. air…

Runaway horses gallop through central London, blazing a path of mayhem and injuries

Runaway horses gallop through central London, blazing a path of mayhem and injuries

Five military horses — including one seemingly covered in blood — got loose in central London early Wednesday, galloping through rush hour crowds, smashing into vehicles and injuring several people before being recaptured. “A number of military working horses became loose during routine exercise this morning,” a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence told NPR….

After months on the run, a murder suspect falls through the ceiling and into custody

After months on the run, a murder suspect falls through the ceiling and into custody

Authorities got a lucky break when the murder suspect they’d been pursuing for months fell, so to speak, into their laps — through the ceiling of the building where he’d been hiding. The U.S. Marshals Service said agents captured 20-year-old Deario Wilkerson on Monday, months after a warrant for his arrest — on charges of…