“Më tradhtuan njerëz të afërt” Elvis Naçi në Top Story: “Deshën të më ngatërronin me ..

“Më tradhtuan njerëz të afërt” Elvis Naçi në Top Story: “Deshën të më ngatërronin me ..

Teologu Elvis Naçi në një intervistë për Grida Dumën në Top Story foli edhe për komentet se ai do të kandidonte si kryebashkiak i Tiranës. Ai tha se donin ta ngatërronin me politikën persona që ai i njihte, edhe pse ai nuk kishte lidhje. Naçi: Deshëm të më ngatërrojnë mua me politikën njerëz që zot…

700 sheep and goats were arranged in the shape of a syringe to encourage vaccinations

700 sheep and goats were arranged in the shape of a syringe to encourage vaccinations

BERLIN — Tasty bits of bread did the trick for about 700 sheep and goats to join Germany’s drive to encourage more people to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The animals were arranged on Monday into the shape of a roughly 330-foot syringe in a field at Schneverdingen, south of Hamburg. Shepherd Wiebke Schmidt-Kochan spent several…

Idaho man says he completed his goal of breaking 52 world records in a single year

Idaho man says he completed his goal of breaking 52 world records in a single year

David Rush of Idaho set out to break one Guinness World Record every week of 2021. The challenge was simultaneously no small feat and nothing out of the ordinary for Rush, an author, speaker and entertainer who describes himself on his website as “one of the most prolific Guinness World Records title holders on the…

The Dutch vow to egg Jeff Bezos’ yacht if a bridge is dismantled to let his boat pass

The Dutch vow to egg Jeff Bezos’ yacht if a bridge is dismantled to let his boat pass

It’s not exactly smooth sailing these days in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam, where locals are voicing their objection to a plan that would temporarily dismantle a historic bridge to enable the passage of a record-breaking yacht reportedly owned by former Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. In fact, some are already making plans — albeit…

This dog broke into a Tennessee couple’s house and snuggled her way into their bed

This dog broke into a Tennessee couple’s house and snuggled her way into their bed

Julie and Jimmy Johnson are no strangers to dogs. They have three of their own that regularly sleep in the bed with them in their home in southeast Tennessee. But recently, the couple woke up to find a large tan dog sandwiched between them that was not one of their own. “You could see light…

This 830-million-year-old crystal might contain life. And we’re about to open it

This 830-million-year-old crystal might contain life. And we’re about to open it

From lemons to ham, salt is a handy food preservative. But researchers studying some really old salt crystals found them preserving something else — evidence of life. “There are little cubes of the original liquid from which that salt grew. And the surprise for us is that we also saw shapes that are consistent with…

Treasure hunters allege the FBI made off with Civil War-era gold and covered it up

Treasure hunters allege the FBI made off with Civil War-era gold and covered it up

The FBI either lied to a federal judge about having video of its secretive 2018 dig for Civil War-era gold, or illegally destroyed the video to prevent a father-son team of treasure hunters from gaining access to it, an attorney for the duo asserted in new legal filings that allege a government cover-up. The FBI…

Why do so many bikes end up underwater? The reasons can be weird and varied

Why do so many bikes end up underwater? The reasons can be weird and varied

When you glance into a waterway, you probably expect aquatic life and the occasional piece of trash. But the reality in many urban metropolises is that lurking beneath the surface of any waterway could be an astounding number of… bicycles. It’s a strange social phenomenon that has forced bike sharing companies to fish out thousands…