Sherri për videolojën, 9-vjeçari vret të motrën

Sherri për videolojën, 9-vjeçari vret të motrën

Sherri mes motrës dhe vëllait për një videolojë ka përfunduar tragjikisht me vdekjen e një 13-vjeçareje në Mississippi të SHBA-ve. Sipas policisë, 9-vjeçari ka qëlluar për vdekje me pistoletë të motrën e tij pasditen e së shtunës pasi ajo nuk i jepte te levën e vidolojës. “BBC” thotë se sipas raportimeve, i mituri e qëlloi…

Këmba-dorazi në mes të rrugës, shpëtohet fëmija..

Këmba-dorazi në mes të rrugës, shpëtohet fëmija..

Një fëmijë që po kalonte rrugën këmba-dorazi është filmuar nga kamera e një makine, drejtuesi i së cilës, bashkë me disa persona të tjerë është kujdesur që ta heqin nga rruga. Videoja është filmuar në Vietnam. Në pamje dallohet drejtuesi i një kamioni që kishte ndaluar para një kryqëzimi dhe që ia bënte me shenjë…

Diell apo shi? Ja cfarë moti na pret javën që vjen sipas SHMU (Tabela për 5 ditë)

Diell apo shi? Ja cfarë moti na pret javën që vjen sipas SHMU (Tabela për 5 ditë)

Sipas parashikimeve te motit nga SHMU, për javën që presim përpara vendi ynë pritet të përjetojë një javë “normale” vjeshte. Kalimi i një fronti të ftohtë pritet të sjellë mot të vranët dhe reshje shiu për disa ditë ndërsa depërtimi i masave ajrore të thata dhe të ngrohta do të sjelli mot të kthjellët e…

Harsh Remarks Including Her Huge Belly. “The worst pregnant belly I have ever seen”

Harsh Remarks Including Her Huge Belly. “The worst pregnant belly I have ever seen”

A mother who was made fun of for having a “big” baby bump won’t succumb to pregnancy stigma. Eliana Rodriguez, who is now 29 years old, recently gave birth to Sebastian, her second kid. Despite the fact that Rodriguez’s pregnancy and child were both healthy, her larger-than-average stomach drew comments like “You are gigantic,” “You…

Family Says Farewell to Grandfather – But What the Boy Then Says Shocks Everyone!

The funeral of this old man was a sad occasion. He was well-loved by everyone in town and, of course, mostly by his own family. The ceremony was beautiful, and when the tombstone was finally placed on his grave, everyone stared with tear-filled eyes. Everyone except his grandson. Because what he saw on the left…

Man Discovers Chain in River – People Are In Shock When They See What It Is Attached To

This man just made the discovery of a lifetime. The man who found this chain knew instinctually that something was wrong when he witnessed five mysterious men the night before dumping something in the water. Together with his father, he pulled as hard as he could to get the chain and the object it was…

Whale Pops up Next to Boat with Tourists – When He Opens his Mouth, They Start Screaming

The tourists on this boat had no idea that the quiet day of whale spotting would turn out like this. They were greeted by one of the ocean giants early on. It was at a distance where they were safe, luckily. But one whale was daring. The large female swam underneath the boat and resurfaced…

Old Woman Left No One in Apartment For 25 Years – When They Went Inside They Found This

The apartment of this elderly woman became a topic of much debate in the last few months. Because this woman had kept it hidden from the public for over 25 years. Privacy is one thing, but when a nauseating smell started to exit her home, neighbors became worried. They devised a plan to enter her…

Couple Discovers Buried Car in Backyard – One Day Later, The Husband Leaves

Couple Discovers Buried Car in Backyard – One Day Later, The Husband Leaves

When the wife of this 62-year-old man walked into her garden on this sunny morning, she had no idea that her life was about to change forever. Beneath their grass pasture, she discovered a buried car. And when she and her husband dug it up, all hell broke loose, resulting in her husband leaving the…