Mom thinks she’s having twins, then the doctor notices something incredible…

Lauren Perkins had always dreamed of becoming a mother. After a tough year of trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant, the idea of fertility treatment no longer seemed so daunting. She and her husband, David, decided to take a vacation in Nicaragua to think about their next steps. The couple, along with some friends, enjoyed their…

Mami mendon se do të lind binjakë, pastaj doktori vëren diçka të pabesueshme…

Mami mendon se do të lind binjakë, pastaj doktori vëren diçka të pabesueshme…

Lauren Perkins gjithmonë kishte ëndërruar të bëhej nënë. Pas një viti të vështirë duke u përpjekur pa sukses për të mbetur shtatzënë, ideja e trajtimit të fertilitetit nuk dukej më aq e frikshme. Ajo dhe bashkëshorti i saj, David, vendosën të shkonin me pushime në Nikaragua për të menduar për hapat e tyre të ardhshëm….

A massive baby penguin named Pesto is inhaling fish and winning fans

A massive baby penguin named Pesto is inhaling fish and winning fans

Pesto the baby penguin is huge — both online and literally speaking. The nine-month-old king penguin, who lives at the Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium in Australia, weighs about 46 pounds. That’s enormous, even by seabird standards. King penguins, the second-largest species of penguin, typically weigh 20 to 30 pounds when they’re fully grown. “He’s officially…

Hazardous chemicals in food packaging can also be found in people

Hazardous chemicals in food packaging can also be found in people

Thousands of chemicals used in food packaging and food production are leaching into food itself. “It’s [from] your soda can, your plastic cooking utensils, your nonstick frying pan, the cardboard box that your fries come in,” says Jane Muncke, a toxicologist based in Zurich. “It’s retail food packaging, but also the processing equipment, and your…

Whooping cough cases spike in the U.S., after people missed vaccinations during pandemic

Whooping cough cases spike in the U.S., after people missed vaccinations during pandemic

The number of whooping cough cases have more than quadrupled in the U.S. since last year, according to data reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday. Infectious diseases experts attribute the surge in cases of whooping cough — also known as pertussis — to a dip in vaccination rates that began…

Third-party voters face a tough choice in a tight election

Third-party voters face a tough choice in a tight election

Voters considering a third-party candidate face the same dilemma every presidential election cycle: should they vote their values and get behind a candidate who likely won’t win, or settle and support a Democrat or Republican nominee they see as flawed. This year, Pope Francis weighed in. “One must choose the lesser of two evils,” he…