When a 7-year-old boy showed his father what a teacher had written on his math quiz, the dad posted the woman’s private note to social media. As soon as parents read her words, they demanded the second-grade educator’s immediate termination.
After 7-year-old Kamdyn Piland came home from school, his father noticed that the boy wasn’t acting like his usual happy self. Once his son handed him his schoolwork, the concerned dad instantly realized what had made his child so upset.
When parents send their children off to public school, there undeniably are countless concerns they face on a daily basis. With all of the problems facing the education system today, teachers certainly shouldn’t be one of them.
According to Chris Piland, a second-grade teacher at Valley View Elementary School in Pennsylvania had written an incredibly inappropriate message on his son’s math work. Apparently, the boy had failed to finish a timed quiz, completing just 13 out of 50 subtraction problems. However, it was the teacher’s personal critique that prompted a national response.
Fox 56 reports that Valley View teacher Alyssa Rupp Bohenek left a note on the top of 7-year-old Kamdyn’s math quiz, which read, “Absolutely pathetic. He answered 13 in 3 min! Sad.” It was this blunt message that now has the elementary educator in hot water, as nearly 20,000 people have signed a petition demanding her termination.
“You don’t write that on anybody’s paper, let alone a little 7-year-old, second grader’s paper,” said Christopher Piland. “It said on it that he answered only 13 of them in 3 minutes and that it was absolutely pathetic with a sad face.”
Chris explained that he confronted Bohenek, voicing his disapproval for such language. He says that, even though he intended to keep the matter private, she refused to resolve the issue, sending him a text message expressing that she was only sorry that he disagreed with her method.
“I believe what you wrote on his paper was extremely unprofessional and just very rude and she messaged me back and said she was sorry I felt that way,” Chris explained.