The face and appearance of the skin are a reflection of health, but often also of diseases, especially hidden ones. Doctors refuse to give diagnoses through visible symptoms and therefore they advise visits with patients or the sick.
Diseases That Are Reflected On The Face
Experts advise to be attentive to the following signs that signal various problems.
Dry Skin And Lips
In this case, we are dealing with a warning sign of dehydration but also of hyperthyroidism or diabetes. Such symptoms of the last two diseases include: increased appetite, fatigue, thirst, frequent urination.
Excessive Facial Hair
Excessive facial hair growth, especially in the jaw area and upper lip, can signal a hormonal problem related to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This syndrome often affects women of reproductive age.
Yellow Spots On Eyelids
People who notice yellow spots or yellowing of the eyelids are at risk of heart disease. Mostly these spots are observed in people who are overweight and with high cholesterol level.
Puffy bags under the eyes
Their presence can generally signal any chronic allergy. However, if the area under the eyes takes on a dark shade then this can be a symptom of sleep and thyroid problems.
Facial asymmetry
If you notice distortion of one side of the face, then you should urgently go to the doctor. Facial asymmetry occurs when a person is suffering from ischemia or thrombosis. One side of the face is drooping, numb, alienated and accompanied by difficulty in speaking.