Teen Offers To Carry Groceries For Food, Has No Idea Who He’s Approaching

Teen Offers To Carry Groceries For Food, Has No Idea Who He’s Approaching

They looked at him with complete disdain, others didn’t even see him. He took a deep breath, looked up to the sky and prayed to whatever god that was listening to help him. He looked back down and turned to see a man staring at him. It was piercing, all judging, all seeing stare. Suddenly,…

Bride Leaves Empty Seat For Late Son, Cries When She Sees Who Takes It

Bride Leaves Empty Seat For Late Son, Cries When She Sees Who Takes It

Bride Leaves Empty Seat For Late Son, Cries When She Sees Who Takes It The day was always expected to be bittersweet. She knew there would be tears and plenty of nostalgia. But when she spotted an unexpected guest, her heart started to race. This person had not been invited. And he took a very…

Man Posts Photos ‘So Everyone Can See Nightmare’ Inside Wife’s Coffin

Man Posts Photos ‘So Everyone Can See Nightmare’ Inside Wife’s Coffin

Man Posts Photos ‘So Everyone Can See Nightmare’ Inside Wife’s Coffin After a widower decided he will no longer let people look the other way, he posted photos of the nightmare he was living. Empathetic viewers were shocked to see what was in the coffin with the man’s deceased wife. Now, many say the person…

Husband Introduces His Wife As His Maid. He Turns Pale After She Does This

Husband Introduces His Wife As His Maid. He Turns Pale After She Does This

In the bustling suburbs, where secrets are often whispered behind closed doors, Kayla’s life took an unexpected turn when her husband, Brayden, introduced her as his maid to a group of his colleagues during a casual home gathering. The confusion and humiliation in her eyes were masked by a calm exterior, but the wheels in…

Emma Thompson Was ‘Humiliated’ By Husband’s Affair With Helena Bonham Carter

Emma Thompson Was ‘Humiliated’ By Husband’s Affair With Helena Bonham Carter

Emma Thompson says she was ‘humiliated’ by her husband’s affair with fellow actress Helena Bonham Carter. Thompson, 64, has starred in films such as Love Actually, Nanny McPhee and Matilda the Musical. While Bonham Carter, 57, has appeared in a number of hit movies such as Fight Club, Corpse Bride and Alice in Wonderland. Both…

World’s Biggest Adult Star Angela White Explains ‘Most Important’ Thing You Can Do In Bedroom

World’s Biggest Adult Star Angela White Explains ‘Most Important’ Thing You Can Do In Bedroom

Adult star Angela White has revealed what everyone should focus on in the bedroom. The adult entertainer from Australia is one of the industry’s biggest stars and is pretty much a household name. She’s won numerous titles throughout her career, including Score’s Hardcore Performer of the Year in 2011, per IMDb. hite has made the…

Sa lekë do rriten pensionet në tetor? Ata në qytet 748 lekë, ata në fshat 453 lekë. A mjafton?

Sa lekë do rriten pensionet në tetor? Ata në qytet 748 lekë, ata në fshat 453 lekë. A mjafton?

Nga muaji i ardhshëm, pensionistët në qytet do të marrin mesatarisht 748 lekë më tepër, ndërsa ata në fshat vetëm 453 lekë më shumë. Nga 18 234 lekë aktualisht, ajo që merr çdo muaj një i moshuar që jeton në qytet do të bëhet 18 982 lekë. Këshilli Administrativ i Institutit të Sigurimeve Shoqërore ka…

Moderatorja preket nga fjalët e telefonuesës: Kam 6 fëmijë, nuk fle dot me burrin se ai..

Moderatorja preket nga fjalët e telefonuesës: Kam 6 fëmijë, nuk fle dot me burrin se ai..

Lidhur me temën nëse prindërit duhet të puthen në sy të fëmijëve, një telefonuese e programit e “Shije Shtëpie” në Tv Klan u shpreh kundër. Nëna e 6 fëmijëve ka zgjedhur të qëndrojë me ta në një dhomë ndërsa bashkëshorti fle veç në tjetrën. Ajo tregoi edhe arsyen e kësaj zgjedhjeje që vjen për shkak…

Çfarë po ndodh sot me kursin e këmbimit? Ja me sa po blihen dhe shiten dollari dhe euro

Çfarë po ndodh sot me kursin e këmbimit? Ja me sa po blihen dhe shiten dollari dhe euro

Ditën e sotme, më 17 shtator 2024, Dollari amerikan blihet me 88.8 lekë dhe shitet me 90 lekë. Euro blihet me 99 lekë dhe shitet 99.7 lekë. Franga zvicerane këmbehet në blerje me 105 lekë, ndërsa në shitje me 106 lekë. Paundi britanik blihet me 117.2 lekë dhe shitet me 118.2 lekë. Dollari kanadez sot…

“O jam çmendur unë komplet ose”, Fevziu habit me atë që tregon në emision..

“O jam çmendur unë komplet ose”, Fevziu habit me atë që tregon në emision..

Në “Opinion” u diskutua lidhur me sezonin turistik në vend e veçanërisht për çmimet e larta në disa zona të jugut. Moderatori i emisionit Blendi Fevziu tregoi eksperiencën e tij në Ksamil me çmimet ekstreme për një ditë pushimi. Blendi Fevziu: Pashë një kabanë në zonën e Sarandës, 2 mijë euro dita! O jam çmendur…