Crew aboard a U.S.-bound plane discovered a missing window pane at 13,000 feet

Crew aboard a U.S.-bound plane discovered a missing window pane at 13,000 feet

A photo included in the U.K.’s Air Accidents Investigations Branch special bulletin shows the location of one damaged and two missing window panes on an Airbus A321. Air Accidents Investigation Branch A U.S.-bound plane took off from London last month with four damaged window panes, including two that were completely missing, according to U.K. air…

Runaway horses gallop through central London, blazing a path of mayhem and injuries

Runaway horses gallop through central London, blazing a path of mayhem and injuries

Five military horses — including one seemingly covered in blood — got loose in central London early Wednesday, galloping through rush hour crowds, smashing into vehicles and injuring several people before being recaptured. “A number of military working horses became loose during routine exercise this morning,” a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence told NPR….

After months on the run, a murder suspect falls through the ceiling and into custody

After months on the run, a murder suspect falls through the ceiling and into custody

Authorities got a lucky break when the murder suspect they’d been pursuing for months fell, so to speak, into their laps — through the ceiling of the building where he’d been hiding. The U.S. Marshals Service said agents captured 20-year-old Deario Wilkerson on Monday, months after a warrant for his arrest — on charges of…

Soldier Hears Little Angry Boys Talking Inside Restaurant SO HE HELPS THEM IN AN UNEXPECTED WAY

Soldier Hears Little Angry Boys Talking Inside Restaurant SO HE HELPS THEM IN AN UNEXPECTED WAY

Soldier Hears Little Angry Boys Talking Inside Restaurant SO HE HELPS THEM IN AN UNEXPECTED WAY A uniformed soldier was standing at the counter of a Taco Bell, ready to order his meal when he stopped cold. He had overheard what two boys were saying and knew he needed to address them. As he did,…

Ndjehet tërmet në Shkup

Ndjehet tërmet në Shkup

Një tërmet me magnitudë 2.9 sipas shkallës Rihter është ndjerë sonte në Shkup dhe rrethinë. Sipas faqes së specializuar botërore për monitorimin e tërmeteve në mbarë botën EMSC, tërmeti ka ndodhur në orën 21:47 në një distancë prej 24 kilometrash në lindje të Shkupit, përkatësisht 13 kilometra në verilindje të Ilindenit. Hipoqendra e tërmetit ka…