We’ve all been there – or at least, those of us who feel a lot of anxiety definitely have. Lying in bed, desperately tired, but our minds racing, unable to settle, reaching for the devilish blue lights of our phones wondering: “If only there was a way to fall asleep instantly?”
Well, it turns out, there is, although knowing me, I’ll probably be in the unlucky four percent who it doesn’t work for – but maybe there’s hope for you.
While there’s not been an ‘on-off’ switch created for our brains yet – come on science – there is one military sleep method which might be the next best thing.
Fitness coach Justin Agustin took to his platform to raise awareness of the method, which is said to work for an impressive 96 percent of people and not just that, but it can reportedly get you to sleep in just two minutes.
So, how does it work?
Well, the technique was developed by the US Army, apparently ‘mainly for fighter pilots who need 100 percent of their reflexes’ and for those in active combat who need to be able to fall asleep in noisy and stressful situations.
In order to fall asleep in a matter of minutes, you need to get comfortable and focus on your breathing.