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Albania in economic crisis, here are the concrete measures proposed by DP/”From the vital minimum to growth…
Read More: Albania in economic crisis, here are the concrete measures proposed by DP/”From the vital minimum to growth…Sali Berisha, the leader of the Democratic Party, has outlined several proposals to address Albania’s economic crisis. These include: Setting the Minimum Vital Income at…
The 23-year-old woman asks Aldo for a husband on the show, he stuns her with his words after “she’s blown away” by what she asked him. “My shame..”
Read More: The 23-year-old woman asks Aldo for a husband on the show, he stuns her with his words after “she’s blown away” by what she asked him. “My shame..”A 23-year-old girl asked Aldo, on the morning show “Klan”, to help her find someone to meet. Aldo asked her about her age, and when…
He emigrated to earn bread, the Albanian husband worked two jobs/ But one night he finds his wife cheating on him with
Read More: He emigrated to earn bread, the Albanian husband worked two jobs/ But one night he finds his wife cheating on him with“I work two jobs so that my wife doesn’t lack anything here in immigration. She doesn’t know the language and hasn’t started working yet. We…
Mihali ‘sfidon’ Lushtakun: Dil vet ma mirë sa fshihesh pas fishekzjarrëve, o trim mbi trimat
Read More: Mihali ‘sfidon’ Lushtakun: Dil vet ma mirë sa fshihesh pas fishekzjarrëve, o trim mbi trimatKoordinatorja e VV’së, Dejona Mihali, ka shkruar me pretendime se protesta e qytetarëve të Skënderajt qenka orkestruar nga Sami Lushtaku që po fshehet siç pretendon.…
Kundërshtuan tubimin e VV’së në Skenderaj, shoqërohet në polici, anëtari i familjes Jashari, Lavdim Jashari
Read More: Kundërshtuan tubimin e VV’së në Skenderaj, shoqërohet në polici, anëtari i familjes Jashari, Lavdim JashariËshtë shoqëruar nga Policia e Kosovës, Lavdim Jashari, anëtar i familjes Jashari, pasi së bashku me një grup qytetarësh nga Skenderaj kundërshtuan tubimin e Lëvizjes…
Vullneti shpërthen: Çfarë ndodhi me lojën në Big Brother VIP Kosova?
Read More: Vullneti shpërthen: Çfarë ndodhi me lojën në Big Brother VIP Kosova?Vullnet Krasniqi, finalisti i tretë i “Big Brother VIP Kosova” 3, ka ndarë përvojën e tij të paharruar brenda shtëpisë më të famshme në vend.…
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Bebisha Wagle
Members of Kanta Dab Dab, a band specialising in fusion of local Nepali and Western music elements, talk about their…

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