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She Didn’t Know That A CAMERA Was Watching Her!
Read More: She Didn’t Know That A CAMERA Was Watching Her!In a world where hidden cameras capture people at their most interesting and unexpected moments, we’re about to unveil a series of hilarious, absurd, and…
Incredible Transformations From Beautiful To Hot
Read More: Incredible Transformations From Beautiful To HotALL bodies are beautiful, and I don’t say this as a cliche! But do you know which body is the most beautiful? The healthy one.…
“Më tradhtuan njerëz të afërt” Elvis Naçi në Top Story: “Deshën të më ngatërronin me ..
Read More: “Më tradhtuan njerëz të afërt” Elvis Naçi në Top Story: “Deshën të më ngatërronin me ..Teologu Elvis Naçi në një intervistë për Grida Dumën në Top Story foli edhe për komentet se ai do të kandidonte si kryebashkiak i Tiranës.…
700 sheep and goats were arranged in the shape of a syringe to encourage vaccinations
Read More: 700 sheep and goats were arranged in the shape of a syringe to encourage vaccinationsBERLIN — Tasty bits of bread did the trick for about 700 sheep and goats to join Germany’s drive to encourage more people to get…
Idaho man says he completed his goal of breaking 52 world records in a single year
Read More: Idaho man says he completed his goal of breaking 52 world records in a single yearDavid Rush of Idaho set out to break one Guinness World Record every week of 2021. The challenge was simultaneously no small feat and nothing…
The Dutch vow to egg Jeff Bezos’ yacht if a bridge is dismantled to let his boat pass
Read More: The Dutch vow to egg Jeff Bezos’ yacht if a bridge is dismantled to let his boat passIt’s not exactly smooth sailing these days in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam, where locals are voicing their objection to a plan that would…
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Bebisha Wagle
Members of Kanta Dab Dab, a band specialising in fusion of local Nepali and Western music elements, talk about their…

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